Today marks 5 years. And this last year, seemed like the longest and roughest time ever.
I have sat and asked myself "Why?! Why was this last year so difficult for us?" We've argued so much more, we've yelled so much more and I have said it out loud far too often "Get out of my house!".
I recognise and realise that this is part and parcel of life and this thing we have that has no label to fit. And it is not reason enough for me to fly off the deep end and fret. It is how it is - people change, people grow, lives changes, paths shift.
There's gonna be a new box in the sky soon: the 4th in a short span of 5 years. And I hope that this would be my last, our last. And in this 6th year and moving forward, I hope this box in the sky will eventually be something more than just space and matter.
Even if I have to continue to just pay rent for it, and not mortgage, I would gladly do it just to have you by my side every other Sunday. We do not need the money that a new job would bring just to pay a mortgage. Cos at the end of the day, instead of being a home or have the possibility of a home, it would be my prison without you.
At this end of a very rough year, and the beginning of new one, I am
grateful that you are still around. That you fight my battles for me.
And while it may not be conventional, you've been there for me far more
than anyone else has.
For that and everything else you are, I love you and I am grateful for the blessing of you!
10 SEC READ The gift of insults
2 years ago