Monday, September 6, 2010

Shame on Me

Someone told me that he is on a mission to discover himself. I could have said "well done you," or "how can I help?" or even just give a simple nod of head that says "I hear ya!" But I did none of the above. 

Instead, I became needlessly mean and vicious. Venomous to an extent even. And it’s uncalled for. Totally and thoroughly.

And while I may take some pride in knowing that I can realise all this because I know myself. It also comes with some amount of disappointment because the pattern of behaviour is slowly coming to light.

I am pushing the self-destruct button. Again.

I can say ‘old habits die hard’ but truly – this is not a habit to inculcate or even hold remotely close. And I’m disappointed with myself.

I’ll go sit in a corner and repent for a mo. Wake me up when September ends….

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