Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Along came a ....

I have never been a firm believer of a great number of things:

1) Owning assets - For a person (no need to put names now!) who is always on the ready to up-and-run-for-the-door, 'asset' is one big scary word. My philosophy towards renting accommodations is this: If I don't like it, If something happens - there is nothing stopping me from packing up and moving somewhere else.

2) Boys - Call me a snob but in my mind, men will always be boys to me - callous, heartless and no-brainers. Yes, many of our world leaders are of that particular gender but hey - look at the state of the world (and its countries) today - need I say more? It is a never-ending footy game that is badly played - both on the skills side of things as well as sportsmanship.

3) Taking risks - They say that if a risk is calculated and the odds are in favour - one should always go for it. My retort to "what is there to lose?!" has always been - anything and everything! Calculated or not, I've always been the chicken when it comes to taking risks - it is a no-go zone. Play by the books, work your bones and what is due to you will come... eventually-ish.

In a span of 2 weeks, my 3 firm beliefs went flying out of the window as though it was sucked by a tornado. And it has taken me days to settle down and put it in words - it has to be done so that it's real to me at long last.

It's hard to imagine that only a week ago, the wheels to this statred turning. Perhaps, it was always there at the back of my head but it didn't ever make it way to the bus-stop for the bus to take it to the front. Until along came a boy who said "You're a great person but your heart is too small. You need to grow it bigger!" Not only did he put that damn thought at the bus-stop, he bloody brought a Ferrari round to drive it to its destination. And with that, changed belief #2 and #3.

Maybe I am placing far too much credit on the shoulders of one person. But in all honesty, in my 35-odd years of living, nothing has ever felt this right and this conscious. Perhaps this was what he meant when he said "Be conscious to your sub-conscious!"

I'm taking a moment to reflect on my entire life todate and wondering, if the wrong turns I didn't take, would still result in me being here today - buying over my parents' house (so that the roof continues to stay over their head), making progressive business moves that will only help us grow from strength to strength and making plans for life beyond today and tomorrow.

Change is constant.
How we experience change that's up to us.

Maybe it is like I told my dad's friend over a cuppa at O'Brien's - it has really been a series of events and persons who has led me to where I am today.
It can feel like death or
it can feel like a second chance at life.

Along came a boy who opened my eyes to a the difference between 'living' and 'existing.' 

If we open our fingers, loosen our grips,
go with it, it can feel like pure adrenaline.

Along came a boy who made me see that I was not all that good and inspired, taught me how to be better - personally, professionally and religiously.
Like at any moment we can
have another chance at life.

Along came a boy who tore down each and every wall I have carefully built around me, encasing me in a bubble.

Like at any moment,
we can be born all over again.

But at the core of it all - it really is this:

Along came a boy who looked me in the eye and told me this: I will never ever let you fall.

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