This visit to Ireland is turning out better than I thought it would be. Perhaps, I am filled with less worries this year round and that has allowed me to soak it all in.
I have done more travelling and experiencing this trip than I have done in a long time. Travelling, whether far or near, has been a series of "going thru the motions" but the last few days, I have seen, tasted, walked and chilled out more than I have.
I know Ben would probably clobber me on the head - all these comparatives, but it is a fact that I must acknowledge.For everything that I have done, I can have photographs to show you, stories to relate and synopsis to provide. YET words and photos would never be able to show you the feeling of "being there" can. And that really is the heart of it.
We all go through so many experiences day in, day out. Some of us may have a habit of recounting it back to the ones who share our lives. And some other don't. I have always through it offensive and excluding - the latter category. But now I realise that sometimes, once the moment's come and gone, the emotions exhausted - there really is nothing left to tell.
And maybe... just maybe... in attempting to encapsulate it in words, mere words, would not do it justice. No, no justice at all.
Perhaps that is why they say - somethings are better left unsaid.
Two chaps basking in the side street of Cork City Sunday morning, playing familiar tunes - but the point of this would be that grey clouds hung overhead, and this pic was caught in a moment when the rest of the town cast grey and gloomy.