Tuesday, June 8, 2010


They say the best things in life are free ~ and the last two days have proved exactly that. While it may not have come without its own dollar amount, as I put aside the various entrance tickets for the eventual scrape book ~ the priceless item of the family's first "holiday" is really the quiet moments of one-ness, unity and family-union.

I may be a grand down. My feet may disown me once again. My body might retaliate by refusing to move without protest. It was all worth it!
Months of planning, keeping cool and calm when well-intent protests came up from the folks ~ The Highlands Adventure has come and gone.

And I'm thinking - Doggone it! It was something I should have done a long time ago (cos seriously, the savings from the many bottles of alcohol would have more than paid for it!) - but I'm glad that I still had the chance too.

Barbsie is off to bed tonight a very happy camper!

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