Sunday, November 28, 2010

All For...

At the end of the day, everything I do is only for...

Lydia & Luke
November 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Stick to Ya Guns

This email came in this morning as I was huffing and puffing away at 8 miles per hour on the treadmill:

"Sorry for not updating you as much as I've been busy with Adam and work. Adam has turned 1 yesterday. I felt like it has only been 4 or 5 months since the day I give birth to Adam. But doesn't mean everything went smooth sailing. There are those hard times that left me tensed and  depressed but I'm trying my best to do the best for Adam."

I do not know the sender, don't even know her name. Her paths and mine crossed almost 2 years ago when she sent out a cry for help on some web forum somewhere. For the life of me, I cannot recall if it was sheer busy-body-ness that made me sent her a mail in reply but reading her email this morning, made me glad that I did write her back.

Hers is a story that is not mine to tell. But it is old an age-old trend. Despite what a lot of folks told her, she made the decision and stuck to it. How she did it - honestly don't ask me. I mean, till today, her family does not know of this child and they lived with her through her pregnancy.

I am not pro-life nor am I pro-choice. It's not that I have no sentiment on this matter - I just don't think being pro-something is the way to go - not everyone's station in life and tenacity is the same. So you really cannot go hanging a stand and make everyone fit to it.

Life may not be easy for this girl, and perhaps even this child and only time will tell. But she made a conscious decision way back then and she rode it out. And something tells me that she will continue to ride it out, always.

And that is what it means to stick to your guns.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Of Buns

Friday night was a bit of a surreal thing. Got a call from someone I would call now an acquaintance - one of those folks you used to say is your friend but then found that it wasn't really a balanced act and so relinquished the status and life was so much better after. (Dreadful thing to say about people, but it is the truth!)

Sadly, I'm not able to say now that this lil bit of "catch-up" was all that catch-ups are made out to be. In fact, days after, I'm still slightly disappointed.

Perhaps it's just me - my line of thought that if you left people be, they'd go about their own way and eventually find wisdom and grow up.

Perhaps some folks just aren't meant to do any growing up at all, no matter how they are pushed and plodded on.

But to give said person credit, he has guts (well, come to think of it, he's always had blind guts!) to take the stand he took. Callous as it may be, I have but to agree with him, just this once. Buns are never a good enough reason to wise up and be a man.

I can only hope, that somewhere out there, someone else is waking up and realising the same thing.

It's not an easy journey to walk - deciding to open your own bakery and be the baker, the commis and the sales person tending the storefront. If I had my way, I wouldn't want to do it all over again, on my own. But honestly, sometimes it is the only way to go, especially if the potential co-owner is one that you know will run off with the week's worth of buttermilk somewhere down the line.

It hurts now, for sure. But trust me on this - this too shall pass.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Valve Failure

I'm sitting here, waiting for dawn to come. And it's not even 10 pm.

Every pressurized system needs a relief valve.
There has to be a way to reduce the stress, the tension,
before it becomes too much to bare.

I've been hitting the gym or working out Every.Single.Day. Not cos I have a lil black dress to fit into for Christmas or the New Years. I'm much fitter now compared to 6 months before, granted. But that was not the real aim.

There has to be a way to find relief because if the pressure doesn't find a way out,
it will make one. It will explode. 

It's only the middle of the month, and my mind is already 2 weeks ahead to pay day, 3 months ahead to the application date, 6 months ahead to applications acceptance time, 9 months ahead to when results come out.
It's the pressure we put on ourselves that's the hardest to bare.
The pressure to be better then we already are. 

I've spent the better part of the last 6 weeks, running from one government office to another. Reviewing one write up to another. Throwing up one copy after the other. I have yet to strike one clean relationship with a potential customer!

The pressure to be better than we think we can be.

It's worrying me cos in my line of business, it's all about relationship (incidentally, I just took a stupid quiz that told me I'm 100% not-chinese - so much for Quan Xi!) and I have yet to build any with next year's customers.

It's my perfect nightmare. To want to be the employee yet being caught being the employer. To want to be the runner, the salesperson, yet caught being the one having to review every single fine print.

It never ever lets up.
It just builds and builds and builds.

And so I cannot wait for morning to come. So that I can go into the gym bright and early, to kill myself again lifting heavier, pushing harder and running faster. Just so that in the midst of feeling as if I have lost control, I remain in control.

Monday, November 8, 2010

A Can Of...

So it's been a while since I last found the words to put down in writing. Not that anything has been happening any ole ways.

I suppose what's spurring me on to do some wordly deposits tonight, is finding a friend's blog closed off to me. Hi-how surprise! Surprise! But then again, should I really be?

I told Ben last night, that it has been feeling as if I'm carting around baggage that do not belong to me. And how I've been trying to work it out in my puny pea-sized brain if it was me. Cos no matter how I've been turning it around, the only common factor that I could see in each scenario that irks me, is ME. And if it's really ME, then I have no right to come out and throw open the cover to my lil can of worms. 

It's sad cos his reply makes so much sense - friendship and relationships should never be compared to a can of worms. But Cindy Lauper sings True Colours in the background, I cannot help but not be able to finish the line that goes "I see your true colours, that's why I ..." 

The LegalBeagle once told me not to hang a category over our friendship. "Labels only brings about expectations!" I should have listened to that old boy and applied it categorically across the board for everyone.

Then maybe having to occasionally play Charlie Chaplin or constantly being "reprimanded" for not hanging out anymore won't bug me so much. Then maybe I can put aside the lil barbs as just plain stupid whimsical utterances, and not sit and wonder "Why do you have to go and say stuff like that?!"

And while, my gender, is famous for being the gender who speaks their hearts - somewhere along the way, this girl forgot how to go about it.

And so it's now a bulging can of worms. My lil can. With something in it for everyone I know. And I don't know how to throw the can out over the edge for the waves to carry it far, far away. Nor do I know how to slowly pull out on, hang it on a hook and use it as bait.

Life is a funny old thing. Sometimes we hang on to things, people, relationships when it has really gone past its use-by date.

What do you then do?