This email came in this morning as I was huffing and puffing away at 8 miles per hour on the treadmill:
"Sorry for not updating you as much as I've been busy with Adam and work. Adam has turned 1 yesterday. I felt like it has only been 4 or 5 months since the day I give birth to Adam. But doesn't mean everything went smooth sailing. There are those hard times that left me tensed and depressed but I'm trying my best to do the best for Adam."
I do not know the sender, don't even know her name. Her paths and mine crossed almost 2 years ago when she sent out a cry for help on some web forum somewhere. For the life of me, I cannot recall if it was sheer busy-body-ness that made me sent her a mail in reply but reading her email this morning, made me glad that I did write her back.
Hers is a story that is not mine to tell. But it is old an age-old trend. Despite what a lot of folks told her, she made the decision and stuck to it. How she did it - honestly don't ask me. I mean, till today, her family does not know of this child and they lived with her through her pregnancy.
I am not pro-life nor am I pro-choice. It's not that I have no sentiment on this matter - I just don't think being pro-something is the way to go - not everyone's station in life and tenacity is the same. So you really cannot go hanging a stand and make everyone fit to it.
Life may not be easy for this girl, and perhaps even this child and only time will tell. But she made a conscious decision way back then and she rode it out. And something tells me that she will continue to ride it out, always.
And that is what it means to stick to your guns.
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