Monday, June 29, 2009
Odds and Ends
Sunday, June 28, 2009
50 years of Peter Pan
Back to Roots
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Pink Floyd
Food Galore
Friday, June 26, 2009
Spanish Guitars Already
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Smells like ...
Abusing Choice
Monday, June 22, 2009
Medieval Walls and Lone Walks
Must. Stay. Focused. And. Walk. On.
State of Grace
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Clean Stuff
It's only 12 days, I know. But with the way of the world these days, one can never be too certain. As it is, Luke's already starting to have fears of lightening striking the plane and bringing it down (note to all parent readers: Air Crash Investigation - not suitable for kids under 18!) and starts tearing up each time he thinks of the trip.
Quite possibly it's cos for the last 4 years or so, I have been grounded. And people adapt quickly - young and old. Plus, back then, they were probably too young to know left from right and so it wasn't a big thingy to them.
Which is why dad and brother has a list of all my important information (right down to the landlord's contact details) and bff will have a sealed enveloped passed to her next week with strict instructions to only open if something happens and my 12 days ends much sooner.
I'm being paranoid, I know. I mean, the number of people who travel and move across geographical locations every minute is countless. But hey - better to be on the wrong side of wrong, then the right side of wrong I say.
It's not just the fact that I have people dependent on me that I have to go thru these paces. I have given much thought to why it is I read obituary pages (when I don't know of many geriatrics whose wake I would make a point to attend), and how I would feel if people I cared about and counted for suddenly disappeared without a word. And I know how I would not like the feeling(s) of any of the above. Which is why such measures are necessary.
I have come to think that it is only those who live as if there is a tomorrow who would leave the house when it is in a state of mess, and be okay walking around in not clean underwear. Me? Being alive today is already a blessing.
Counting on tomorrow would be pushing it a tad hard!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
In Print
- Hey - those science subjects scores would net us a bundle at the Genting casino!
- Awww.. a couple of points shy of Grade 1
- Don't worry - I can get you a job as a cashier at the bank
Saturday, June 13, 2009
24/7 Habits
Friday, June 12, 2009
The Chair
Monday, June 8, 2009
Big Shoes & Red Noses

I think I shall like to be a clown this week.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Turnip Thoughts
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Why Blog
Sid's Secret
I bumped into an old friend at dinner tonight. He’s actually a friend of Lydia and Luke’s biological father, but other time became my friend as well. I haven’t seen him for a while now, but for some reason, my gut did tell me I would be seeing him sometime soon.
I don’t know what possessed me to ask, after the usual round of courtesies – So how’s Ray? And that was my opening of Pandora’s Box for the year.
And so, Lydia and Luke has two half-siblings somewhere out there in the same geographical space. It is news that I have been preparing myself to hear from the grapevine eventually sometime thru this thing I call my life. But perhaps, I wasn’t prepared enough. And right now, 3 vodka cranberries on and pushing on 40 hours without sleep; I am not sure how to react to it.
I have learnt from my 10 hour dvd marathon that one should put a label to their feelings in order to know how to address it. And so this is my attempt:
I have some amount of rage going on somewhere inside – Did he think he could replace the two he cast aside with new ones, as one does with cars, homes, clothes, shoes? And knowing him, they would probably have closet full of branded clothing, shoes and toys as well while mine have what’s available and affordable. If he had any cow sense left in that pea size brain of his (see I told you I was raging!), they would probably be enrolled in the best pre-school in his neighbourhood, carrying the fanciest backpack and not having to wonder if asking for a McD’s lunch on the weekend would be too much.
But having said and expanded all that, I also have some amount of pride hanging abouts somewhere in here as well. Cos Lydia and Luke are beautiful, with Lydia certainly taking after me and my Straits Chinese features, which is probably why most people thinks she is of mixed-parentage. And through that, they would always be uniquely different in a crowd.
Plus tonight, in talking with my mates from around the world, exchanging parenting stories, my kids are equal to theirs – theirs who goes to the best international school in town and having the advantage of being global citizens.
I may not have much, thereby translating to Lydia and Luke not having much either. But in taking away all the things that money can buy, they are gaining a whole lot more. For they have values and appreciation of what money cannot buy. And they have me – all of ME, which more than makes up for a dad who, in the name of work, go out drinking till half past 3 in the mornings, and living beyond his means just to keep up with the Jones.
At the end of the day, in my opinion, there are somethings and some persons that you can replace. Cars, houses, jobs, watches. Best friends, neighbours, even parents.
But when it comes to kids – YOUR KIDS – a person whom you created – if you think they can be replaced – Buddy, I hate to say this. But you’re even more screwed up than I (and the rest of my world) gave you credit for.
But it’s okay. We shan’t rat on you. These kind of things cannot remain skeletons in the closet forever. Until then, we’ll let it remain Sid’s secret.
And we know Sid’s gonna come back and bite ya in the arse when you least expect it.
With that, we’ll close by adding vengeance to the list as well.