Persuades you to see the other side of the coin. Sometimes they might do the Jedi-mind-trick on ya, especially when the coin only has one side. But the fact that they made you look, is a first.
Brings sense to the senseless. It could be with statements of motivation, bashing on the head with size-12 shoes or just being there. There's just something about it that cannot be explained when the impossible is made to be seen as possible.
A few nights ago, after a day of the sky falling down at work, a dear friend told me to go do something for myself for once when I got home. Not normally the obedient type, I did it nonetheless. Hey - the STARE was given twice over the phonelines. And so, it was off to jobstreet I went when I got home.
Shock of shocks to be called this morning for a chat tomorrow on something that is 1) right up my alley, and 2) my incomplete mission whilst at Fairview.
No matter what the outcome of it is - the mere fact that an opportunity has presented itself, is good enough for Barbsie this rough week.
And it's all thanks to that ONE PERSON, who despite being equally busy himself, can still find time to be all of what SOME PEOPLE are to this wee lil Barbsie.
No amount of thanks can be said to relay the depth of this day. I can only hope that one day, I would be able to reciprocate the same in turn, when the moment calls for it.
Big hug Bear!