Monday, July 13, 2009

Ding Dong Marry-ly on High

Okay, so apparently 2010 is not a good year to be tying the nuptial knot. Which is probably why my list of wedding invites for the year has about doubled. Either that or word got out that Barb no longer avoids wedding-do's and thus is back on the "welcomed" list (lest if I were still in the former mode, I might show up in widow's black, muttering chants under my breath!)

One of my ex-boyfriend tied the knot yesterday. And I am most pleased for you to come to another milestone in life. With one of the most pleasant girls I know. Nonetheless, it was odd to see pictures of his registry wedding as the day wore on. Not odd with a tinge of something.. just plain simple weirdness.

This weekend, I'm gonna be the Maid of Honour at my bff's wedding. It's gonna be magical I tell you and I can't wait. We've got the week running up to it with not one but TWO hen-parties planned out for her, and of course, it'll be a gathering of old chums once again.

So yeah.. it's weeks of rice confettis, well-wishes and endless eating ahead with the people around me finally settling down. It really shouldn't surprise best bud Bear that I had to ask if he was gonna be announcing his engagement anytime soon.

Cos at the end of the day... Kinda makes one wonder.. life sure is a funny one eh?

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