Thursday, July 2, 2009

What we don't see

I had te opportunity to visit a Physiology Museum a couple of days ago at one of our universities. Now this would be the room where bits of healthy AND diseased parts of our body are encased and put on display - just so medical students can see what things should be, and should not be.

If you're like me, a great fan of medical series ala Grey's Anatomy, you would be familiar with like anuerysm, malignant tumours, etc. But fortunately for us, the telly does not show us what effects these have on the body bits.

3 days in, I'm still haunted by those cross-section "remains". I now know what my grandfather's brains would have looked like after his long battle with Alzheirmer's. And the insides of Ben's mum's abdomen after her fight with cancer.

I am grateful that not everybody gets to see these items. It does not add to your knowledge of tihngs.

If anything, it only makes it more painful in remembering.

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