Monday, August 24, 2009

Ain't No Child's Play

One of the things that I'm notoriously famous for among my circle of friends is my great ability to "walk out" when the going gets tough. Heat from work gets too great ~ find another job. Arguments getting too frequent and too intense ~ pack and go. Friends growing too distant and too cold ~ cut em lose from the contacts list.

And lately, I have been thinking that this is not one ability I should be proud of.

To be metaphorical about it, one could akin going about life like building a house of cards. Watch most kids as they go about and more often than not, when the house starts collapsing, they would swipe it off the surface, to start over again. And there would be the one or two who would try to "repair" the section that has collapsed, working their way around the damage with great intensity, concentration, energy and focus, all the while making sure that the rest of the bits don't go array as well.

But sadly for most of us, we're no longer kids, and therefore no longer imbued with the childlike innocence. If one section of our deck falls down, it is more likely that we'll swipe it off the surface, to start over again, demolishing everything else that is still standing.

Over time, I have learnt that life is too short to call it quits just cos I can't heck it. Short in this instance would be that I would not have the time or chance to go set things right - the second or third or fourth time around.

And so, I say - life isn't child's play. As adults, we should know better and be like that odd couple of kids, who would work their way, repairing the damaged bits. The satisfaction at the end of the day - would surely be worth it all!

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