"No Barb. No more, until you're certain," said Mandy over lunch sometime last week.
In many ways, I agree with her - that when it comes to my kids, the trend of people coming and going in and out of their lives like a leaf flying in the wind, has got to stop. And in fact, it has stopped. Whatever persons who are introduced to them by association with me, has been carefully screened, pondered upon and all consequences - big or small - are weighed out carefully.
Over the last year or so, it has been a slight point of tension but it was one I could live with. Cos for once, I was doing the 'responsible' thing of not going into something feet first and when the body is mid-way thru the rabbit-hole, I'd go "oh no!" Plus for once, the decision was a joint-decision, which is great ~ this sharing of responsibility!
In all the times that I have indulged in the ponderments of it, it has always been 99.9% 'It would never happen' and 0.01% 'what if it does?' So what transpired that brought about a change in the 'actuality'? I can't really say cos I don't really know. Perhaps it was a weighing of the circumstances on hand and that was the only option left available. Perhaps it was the individual crossing of some un-seen barrier.
All I know is this: for a first 'outing' it couldn't have gone better.
You never know the biggest day of your life is the biggest day.
Not until it's happening.
You don't recognize the biggest day of your life,
not until you're right in the middle of it.
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