Thursday, August 20, 2009

Too Soon

It has just occurred to me that there is some wisdom in the phrase "Speaking too soon." And to reiterate my thought, here are two fine examples of such:

1) A month ago, I wrote of
how life returns to normal after all the travels, wedding and such. And how the diary looks empty for the year ahead. Then *bam* mum falls down, the kids fall ill and Lord knows what else is in store with another 10 days to go for the month.

2) I told my brother and sister in law on Sunday how they are not to fall ill in this time of crisis. And that if either of them, or even dad were to fall ill, I'd go kneel in front of the altar and recite the Novena for 9 hours straight.

As the Irish would say in situations as such "How was I meant to be inspired?!"

I guess I was.. in a quirk, Barbsie way!

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