Thursday, March 25, 2010

Lesser of Two Evils

I want to write. I want to unload everything that is clogged up in my head. That has been clogged up in my head. I do. Believe you me - how much I crave it.

For the last few mornings, when BFF Mandy asks me "What's been happening?" I want to just spill it all. But the truth is this: they have been shoved in, packed away and stuffed so far in, I don't know where to begin retrieving them out one-by-one.

So there. I want to write. I need to write. But I have yet to find the trigger point that will bring it all out. 

So for now, until that happens (which for those who know me will know that it lays waiting), we'll go with the lesser of two evils and say that "everything is just fine."

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