Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Aye Cap'ain

I left the office yesterday evening, in the great search for candles. Not the fancy ones that you would find scattered around my house but plain white ones. Finally found them in this wee lil mum-and-pop shop out in Section 5 and headed on to my next destination.

Last night was spent in front of the telly. Not being used to watching the telly on Monday nights, I instead spent it trying to beat my already high score on Channel 882. I also tried to convince the Bear that he should invest in a caravan, paint it purple and go on a great driving adventure to no-where with me. We'll be the 1st in town to have a purple caravan, and it'll create a sense of community spirit as we'll have the Barney song blaring out of speakers attached to the roof.

Paul said this morning : Conquer your fears the Nike way ~ feel it and take action anyway. Very similar lines to the context of the book: Tuesdays with Morrie, where he says - recognise the emotion, embrace and then move on.

But these are not ordinary days of our lives. These are unchartered territories. We're no longer talking about dust-bunnies and carpets. This is REALITY. And as my favourite character (perhaps, once upon a time) says in her latest attempt at being bright, shiny and whole:

Reality is much stormier.
Much murkier.
Much scarier.

My action: Sit very, very still and draw pictures of my purple caravan. Ask anyone who's been out to sea ~ the best thing to do in a storm is to do NOTHING but let the waves carry you. Which is why I have not consumed a drop of alcohol nor popped any z-type pills. And I must say, I am feeling darn proud of myself for that. No lolling on the balcony either.

It may not seem much, but sometimes for a person of action, the "inaction" itself is a big step.

Then when it's all died down, I'll slowly make my way back to course and hopefully, land once again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you're not alone barbsie..rememeber that always