For some strange reason, someone, somewhere, thinks I have oodles of moolah sitting under my mattress. Enough for me to rent my own private island!
It's a real laugh considering I am wondering what I would have to do to get a respite from the endless paying of bills and for one (see - I'm not greedy! I'm only asking for ONE) month, I can go without living from-pay-cheque-to-pay-cheque.
The latest spanner in the works of achieving the above would be a backlash from our wonderful government in the form of the fuel rebate. Which to my surprise, was paid out to "me" in September. Lo and behold - I had just renewed my roadtax last week! Now how did that happen, I wonder?!
*Sigh* I guess whoever it is who thinks I have enough to rent my own island, would probably be the same bloke who thinks I can do without the six hundred bucks due to me as my benefit of being a Rakyat.
I think I'm gonna go hide under my cardboard box cut-out of a coconut tree now .. while I live off fresh-air and sunshine, after being scammed by my own government.
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