Tuesday, October 6, 2009

And Its Name Shall Be...

My close friends who know me, know that frequently in the past months, I have been frustrated at the level of inactivity at work. While it is appreciated, the extra time and balance of life, at the core of it all, something was still amiss.

Today was the first time in many moons that I am at my desk, close to midnight, checking on the responses that I am needing and making sure things are moving. That's the problem when your colleagues and counterparts are 7 hours behind. But it's really not a bother. As always, if I worked off a laptop, it would be plugged in and logged back on the minute I come home. Once upon a time, it was the way of life cos it was my way of coping with an empty house and a near-empty existence. But now it's different. 

Now it's cos it's my goal to get something done and not just done. It must be done right, done on time and done well. I may not be measured by KPIs or G&Os officially, but I am sure I am being weighed and measured one way or another. My colleague Sam responded the other day when I exclaimed that I am 1 year away with this ~
A lot of things can happen in one year. And perhaps she is right.

No matter what the flow is or the culture that exist is, the fact remains ~ even if I am not by the powers that be, I am measured by my own self. And I have to deal with that at the end of each work day - if I would be happy and satisfied with my own worth that day at work. 

Zig Ziglar once said: People who make commitments to reach their goals are the ones who are going to reach them. While there may be things that are beyond my control that could come up in the next 359 days (like the forex fluctuation), I am gonna make sure that the things that are within my control are to go as plan.

At the end of it all, its name shall be Satisfaction. And I'll find it my own way if it's not handed out on a silver-platter as it was before.

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