I have been scouting around for a really decent document bag that is not really your run-of-the-mill briefcase. Unfortunately, the stores on our shores seem to think that professional folks still walk around in striped shirts in boring colours and all that.
Of course, making a purchase such as this (considering my last bag purchase on was only RM 50!), I've been asking for opinions, brand awareness and just general "Are they any good?" and have narrowed it down to 2 labels. One has just won hands-down simply because of the speed they took to get back to me on my query. The other - sent me an auto-link that was a whole different rabbit hole altogether.
In this day and age, where your customers could be getting in touch with you from anywhere in the world (and forgetting something called timezones), it is imperative to be on top of your game, keep your eye on the ball.
Earlier this week, I wanted to sit under my desk and froth from the mouth cos my ad agency gave me a near impossible deadline to meet. The frothing came from the fact that majority of the information was having to come from my counterparts, who are thousands of miles away and 7 hours behind. Resting on my laurels and letting a simple quick check of the email before turning to bed, could mean I lose a complete work-day altogether and not meet the timelines.
But as the day wound down last night, I was so pleased that everything came in as it should and this is something I am so pleased with. Finally, it looks like even the laid-back are finally seeing the light at the end of this tunnel - everyone is beginning to appreciate the value of speed!
Hopefully that would in the next 8 months, translate into some solid euros and cents!
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