"Today is the most wonderful day ever!" exclaimed my daughter Lydia as we drove back in lunchtime Friday traffic from town.
What made this day the most wonderful? I suppose it's cos she's back home after two weeks away, and she has me all to herself (Luke's gone off back to JB with the folks and would only be back tomorrow). Add to that, she lunched at a very posh restaurant with her godmum, and even got to pick a gift at Toys R Us. This being her mid-semester break, today would be her 1st outing to do some mall-ratting ~ a far cry from her years when she would mall-rat at least once a week.
I'm winding the day down with her after we made an attempt at some clay art, a dinner at KFC and more mall-ratting to buy art supplies. And I cannot help but compare her statement to that made by my niece a day before of "This is the worst day ever!" simply cos she was stuck in the car in mid-day traffic.
We have all lamented at some point or other about a day being bad, or a day being good ~ our use of adjectives, dependent on the level of BMW-ness (bitchy, moany, whiny) that we're in. And as we get caught more and more in the rat-race of life, I find that there seem to be more bad days than good.
I suppose the point I'm trying to make is this: Life is not all that complicated or fussy, if only we continue to look at the world and LIFE itself thru the eyes of a child.
Perhaps then, we'll be able to take the lil good things and allow them to make our days the best ever.
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