Hap-e-bird-day to ME
Hap-e-bird-day to ME
Hap-e-bird-day dear Barbsie
Hap-e-bird-day to ME
It's been a great year Barbsie - Now let's make it a grand life, ya?
A chemical shooter is a drink consisting of a sweet mango liquer, a cognac lime mix, a bitter concoction that’s blue in colour, and a lychee liquer that’s sweet. It’s Barbsie's tale of life’s journey where your senses are exposed to a series of sweet, sour and bitter experiences. But if you persist, you will find the sweet again.
Happy Birthday Barb, would love to see you in those pig tails. haha
have a good one, Barb - sorry for the belate greetings!
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