It's been a rocky week so far. And being a person who have so few friends, I have been kept bouyant by my Bear. But today, the sky fell down hard on me, in a manner so unexpected.
My heart is broken. My spirit snapped in two. Everyone says not to take it personally. But it only goes to show they who said it, do not know me. For what I am, and the work I do, if it is not my personal touch.
I wish I could say I am done crying, but I am not. It doesn't seem real until it is said out-loud to my sounding board. But he's not here and I'm banging my head against the wall over and over again.
If things get real for me down here,
Promise to take me to
Before you went away,
if only for a day.
If things get real for me down here,
Promise to take me back to
The tune we played
before you went away.
Promise to take me to
Before you went away,
if only for a day.
If things get real for me down here,
Promise to take me back to
The tune we played
before you went away.

Goes to show... at the end of the day, there's no one you should depend on except for yourself.
whoah, now that's a bizarre picture...
u voting this weekend? ;>)
Bizarre? Dude - it's the symbolism of despair and dessertation.
Me? Vote? *lol*
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