Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I really should stop these early mornings blogging before it becomes a way of life once again. oh yes - we've all been there and we do not want Barbsie to go back there again. But at 5 in the morning, I can't possibly ring somebody up and ask stupid questions, now can I?

I really have a lot I want to say at this hour today. It is afterall Tuesday and in 10 hours time, I've gotta sit like a criminal being tried for things that I supposed have done wrong. And I really don't need this rain on my parade. Particularly when I do not feel like I have my bosses on my side.

But anyways, coming back to my point... I have a lot I want to say this morning... But do I really want to indulge myself on it? Is it important that I do? Do the words I want to say have a space here? Or should it be said out loud in person instead?

I'd like to think that through the years, I have come to some form of full circle. Maybe this is one of them. I do not have to prove myself, my life, the way I see the world to anyone. At times, it's better to keep my knowings to myself. That there is such as thing as T.M.I.

This is not getting off to a very good start is it? Well Mandy - here's another one of Barbsie's infamous R&R in action then eh?

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