Sometimes I think I stand in the wings so often that I miss my cue to come on. When I do, it's a nice feeling. Really nice feeling.
Under normal circumstances, I think I'll probably be writing a rant blog... I have been "lectured" in a sense for the last hour or so as to why I should not have procrastinated this long to get things sorted and move on.
Under normal circumstances, I would have said, "You, who have only known me for this long, have no right to be so condescending."
Under normal circumstances, I would have said, "You, who have only known me for this long, have no right to be so condescending."
But these aren't normal circumstances are they? Not when the hours fly by over coffee, cake and conversation. Not when it's been said "Let's do this once a week" but then decide mid-way that "Hey - whatcha doing today?"
These are definitely not normal circumstances. Not when there's all my boys rolled into one *lol*
Bring them on I say... nothing like a sugar-rush and a caffeine high early Tuesday morning!

It's yummy... so it's all good :o)
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