Sunday, April 20, 2008


ther·a·py ~ noun

  1. The treatment of disease or disorders, as by some remedial, rehabilitating, or curative process
  2. A curative power or quality.
  3. Any act, hobby, task, program, etc., that relieves tension.

I have been shopping. Not an activity that I should particularly indulge in. But it’s been a what-the-heck mode. Doesn’t help that there’s aiding and abetting going on as well from all quarters of my social circle.

See who am I to say this situation isn't great?
It's my time to make the most of it

While it has been getting things that I have been putting off getting… like a proper pair of shoes for work (in the form of Crocs Islander with 2 jibbitz for good measure) and a new pair of slippers (seeing how the old ones were from the Year of the Dog)… we all know that Barbs been hitting the malls for reasons other than to dress her feet.

Of course I didn't know that it would happen to me ~ not that easy.
If all along the fault is up for grabs why can't you have it?

Jay calls it getting big plastic pills for the tired heart… Me – let’s just say it’s therapy for dust bunnies

If it's for sale what is your offer,
I'll sell it for no less than what I bought it for

For now.. it's easier to get lost in the weekend crowds, deal with kids who wants everything they see in sight.. and pulling price tags out of merchandise when I get home.. Whatever floats my boat – I’ll buy it for now.

And I will make sure that I…

Pay no more than absolutely zero

I'm not cut out for stuff like that... Who the hell are we kidding?

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