Thursday, November 15, 2007

Licking the bottom..

Here are a list of things that I have engraved to memory the last 48 hours:

1) Valium and alcohol do not work - trust me on this one... something about the alcohol stopping your bloodstream from absorbing the sleeping drug.

2) People will always let you down no matter what - and the lesson behind this one is - how far you are let down lies in your own hands, not theirs.

3) When you are on the way down, you just need to hit rock-bottom.

4) It's okay to have only 6 days in a week - some days are just not worth committing to memory.

5) Real friends are those who would walk 1km in stilettoes and pay for their own latte.

6) Nothing beats talking to someone who is busy as hell but still sets time aside for you.

So yes. I've been to hell and back. It was not something I had expected to happen to me, but it did. And well, as it was said by the Bear - I've licked the bottom of the devil's barrel - and survived.

I'm whipping out the compas and the map... time to chart my own course.

Afterall, if I don't start listening to Mandy soon, she's bound to wanna kick my ass in those heels too!

Thanks you two.. for holding my hair from my face one stormy night, even from afar.

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