Friday, December 19, 2008


choice ~ noun
  1. An act or instance of choosing; selection
  2. The right, power, or opportunity to choose; option
  3. The person or thing chosen or eligible to be chosen
  4. An alternative
  5. An abundance or variety from which to choose
  6. Something that is preferred or preferable to others; the best part of something

Every day, every hour, every minute, every second - we all have a choice to make.

In my books, the most famous perspective on choices comes from Lewis Carroll's character of the Cheshire Cat:

Alice came to a fork in the road. 
 "Which road do I take?" she asked.
"Where do you want to go?" responded the Cheshire cat.
"I don't know," Alice answered.
"Then," said the cat, "it doesn't matter." 

It's a week to Christmas - my first Christmas where I will have no plans other than attend morning Mass. Where I will not have my family nor friends at my table, sitting down to a home-cooked roast luncheon. Where I will not be wondering what's in that box under the tree that has my name on it.

I could choose to say "Bah-Humbug!" to it all and lose the spirit of things.

Or I could choose to say "It's only this year cos of the timing of things. And it is in to help me prepare for bigger, better things to come!"

As it was once wrote here on the Shooter, and also one of the features sayings in a certain Christmas pressie:

Contentment is not
the fulfillment of what you want;
Tis the realization of
how much you already have.

I'm gonna go with the choice of remembering that Christmas is about HOPE. And so it's alright that it's just my snowmen and me on Christmas Day this year.

There would be bigger and better things in my days to come!

Have a happy one y'all!

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