Monday, December 22, 2008

A Ray of Light

I so very nearly went and committed a cardinal sin yesterday. Thank goodness for threats of flying shoes and a fury bear.

I suppose I could put up a multitude of reasoning and excuses on the “Why I should” and “Why I shouldn’t” and I can lay the blame on everyone’s door. But ultimately, it would fall back on me, my shoulders and my reflection in the mirror.

As the LB said: Think Happy Thoughts. And so indeed I shall. 

Last night at this Christmas party I attended, one of the questions asked was “What would you like for Christmas?” And while I would love a BMW, a Villa and a truck-load of bling-bling, I would really truly love to have is all the people who matter, there with me. But there’s light at the end of the tunnel.

The great MOVE has been bumped up and I will step into my new home hours before Christmas. Yes, I am finally psyched. Even though I just found out some dude died in front of his unit, 4 floors down of me. But well, we did search far and long for this, and the day is finally dawning. 

There is sight of when the kids come home and I cannot wait. Cos along with them would be mum and dad. And hopefully, new place would be all ready for me to usher 2009 in surrounded by my family ~ the people who love me, warts and all! 

So yeah. It’s 3 days to Christmas and the roads are showing signs of the long holiday coming round. 

And IF I am occasionally fail to see that light, I shall at least remember the words of my darling Mandy - This time try something different. Try saying ... "Yes this is the hols and people get blue when they're alone  ... But it's ok to be alone and blue." 

But most importantly, through this break in work, and time of absolute solidarity, I must, Must, MUST always do this, when it comes to good ole Charlie: 

Run, baby, run
Don't ever look back.

We're all about moving forward and Charlie would be going backwards. Very, VERY far backwards!



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