Saturday, July 7, 2007

The First Branch

In order to know where I'm going, I need to know where I want to end up at.And you cannot think or figure out the way, when there are noise about you. As such, this morning is the start of a self-imposed sanction. A time-out.

And I'm gonna do this the scientific way by using a 7-step critical thinking process. 7 days. 7 days of possible ups and downs. But it has to be done. And the plan is:

D1 - Saturday: Identify why you want to make the decision, and how it will impact your life.

  • Do I think will change or happen in my life as a result of making this decision?
  • How will making this decision affect significant others in my life?
  • Do I have any ulterior motives?
D2 - Sunday - Look at a wide range of alternatives. Don’t limit yourself to just a few obvious choices.
  • What are the alternative courses of action that I have examined?
  • Are there any other possibilities?

D3 - Monday - Consider all the negative consequences as well as the positive consequences that might flow from each alternative.

  • Pay special attention to the pros and cons involved in each of your alternative.

D4 - Tuesday - Search for new information that will help you evaluate your alternatives.

  • Are there any alternatives that I haven’t considered?
  • Is my information current?
  • Have I spoken with others who have made a similar decision?
  • Will this decision have a positive impact on my life?

D5 - Wednesday - Pay attention to all new information, even if it doesn’t support your first preference.

  • Have I carefully considered the options that are not my preference?
  • Am I too scared to consider any of the other alternatives?
  • Am I being as open minded as I possibly can around this decision?
D6 - Thursday - Re-examine the positive and negative consequences of all your possible choices – even the ones you’ve already rejected – before you make a final decision.

Positive consequences do not outweigh one negative consequence
if that negative consequence is something you just couldn’t live with!

D7 - You make your decision.

D8 - Saturday - Make plans for carrying out your decision, paying special attention to problems that might come up.
  • How am I going to carry through with my decision?
  • Are there other supports that I need to acquire?
  • Do I have a back-up plan in case this decision does not go through the way I think it will?
It has to be done.

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