Sunday, July 15, 2007


When I first started my blog(s), it was more of a platform for me to put my dark and twisty thoughts down before they grew into maggots in my head, and chewed me inside out.

As far as I can remember, the written word has always been my preferred form of communication. A then-boyfriend even once asked, "Is this where I go sit in my car and we continue this issue on SMS?" when I decided to clam shut during an argument.

So for those who know me, when Barbsie's humour or self goes AWOL, the first place to look for the
sign of times would be here.

It's funny then this morning, that I sit and write about The Thinking Blogger award which was kindly bestowed on to yours truly by Puppy - he who once refused to venture onto my blog-site and who has since decided I write good enough to add me onto his list of frequently read blogs *grin*

Anyways, as part of this toast, I am suppose to:
  1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,
  2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,
  3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote
I'm sorry to say that I do not read enough of blogs to be able to come up with 5 that makes me think. But those that do are:

Brain Spillage
Needless to say, this is fast becoming one of those merry-go-rounds that Puppy would not be able to get off from *grin* Let's face it, there is no one else that I know of who has the time, energy, interest and ingenuity to search for pictures that make your sides ache from laughter, but yet wonder - how did i missed that? Additionally, when he feels like it, the way he looks at his world, can be quite insightful.

About Nude Not Naked
I came across this blog cos a good friend of mine says that the author is kinda like my mirror image. I went into reading it cos of her
miniboyfriends, but once I got there, I did not want to leave. Raw, down-to-earth, this girl has got no qualms about writing down the stuff that we girls think about but never say. She makes you laugh, she makes you cry.. and yes, she makes you think!

Alwyn Lau
One of the smartest dudes I know (yes - currently ranking as smarter than his boss *wink*), Al's blog veers towards theology, religion, God-and-I. And it's worth a visit, especially if you're one of those without a religious anchor in life. Go on.. give faith a chance by letting Al start the clogs in your head moving...

So there you have it folks ~ a short list of my online influences *grin*Now, if you wondered why I'm
sounding more and more 'surreal', fuzzy... could it be that it's cos me thinks too much and doesn't think enough?

Anyways, it's a great way to start off the week... I've been toasted Silver!

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