Thursday, July 19, 2007


It's quite amazing how the presence of THE government can be so severely imposed onto one's life without you realising it.

The last 2 days has been absolutely a mad-house cos the Ministry of Health was coming round to the hospital where I work to check-it-out prior to issuing the license to operate. I could try to be funny and say that in its present state, it would really be giving us the License to Kill *grin*

So far, 4 hours into the visit, all I have observed is the amount of eating that goes on with governmental officials.

Welcome morning tea took 2 hours. A 30 minute walk round the 1st 2 floors so that it ends with lunch on the 3rd floor. From the looks of things, I could have spent my last 48 hours inserting anti-governmental slogans into my standard operating procedures and gotten away with it!

Am I shocked? Am I disgusted? Not really. Afterall, everyone kinda assumes that while we've been pushing stuff out for the past 2 days, slaving into the night and all, some of these chaps have properly been going car-shopping for the latest Beamer.

Anyways, enough said.

That's what I've been up to for the last 2 days anyways.

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