Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Discovery Living

Here's a list of funny things I have discovered today and I just had to put it all down before... before.. oh well - just had to get it out of my system and we'll start with the easy ones:

Plants need water

Okay.. okay.. common known fact. But considering how it has been raining cats and dogs, you'd think they'd be more resilient to you not watering them.

Weight matters

My last ex-bf has put on massive amounts of weight. I have seen pictures of him chubby, but he was quite the skinny dude when we met and in the time we've known each other. As they say - it's a sign of prosperity. But here's my chuckle - for once, I weigh less than him and it sure as hell feels good!

I'm highly invisible.. to some.

The same person above, who was for a spell my best buddy as well.. asked me today if I had cut my hair. *Duh* I cut it like a month ago and it's now time for a trim. And it's not like he's not seen me in this month. So yeah... obviously, he's been seeing me but seeing right thru me. And that is about that.

Friendship takes very little effort

And on that note, I have to add that friendship takes very little effort. Somebody said today that I personify the phrase "a friend in need is a friend indeed." I am quite befuddled as I did not do anything out of the ordinary. But it must have been something really extraordinary cos this same person told me that no matter what, we're chums for life, that there ain't no getting rid of him. Period.


Looking back up at the list - I could be all upset cos "best buddy" ain't best buddy no more. But it's not a loss I have any energy to mourn for. Sure, it's kinda sad that things have turn to such a state. Cie la vies is all I'm gonna say.

Cos at the end of the day - I've learnt to pick my battles. And so far, the ones I've selected the last few weeks have been winning ones.

I am a diamond. Pity the fool who can't see it to be so.


Anonymous said...

on the contrary, i've always felt frenship to be a difficult process...maybe that's why i ain't got dat many frens...hmmm

would it be that yr exploit yr friend-making talents to the fullest

blessed Christmas season, :)

Anonymous said...

Thats right!! YOURE A DIAMOND!! I'm so proud that you said it .. *muaks*