Thursday, December 6, 2007

Splitting Quirks

quirk (kwûrk) ~ noun

  1. A peculiarity of behavior; an idiosyncrasy
  2. An unpredictable or unaccountable act or event; a vagary
  3. A sudden sharp turn or twist
  4. An equivocation; a quibble

It's been raining the whole day. While most have bemoan this fact, to me, it is but another day, albeit with some natural sounds added to it with the fall of the drops to the ground.

I have been reading my postings here with the label Mango Liquer and some of them made me smile. But at the end of it, I can't help but think that there really is 2 sides to me. The dark and twisty side, where everything lays as it is - straight out and stiff as a dead body. And then, there's this up-beat childlike side which is so lightheaded, you could almost say it is giddy.

And today was one of those giddy days. I mean, I blasted Time of the Season by the Bryds at full volume at 6 pm in my tiny office that I share with 10 other people. Not only was I blasting it, I was singing out loud to it and bobbing as well. And I actually told my beary friend that he should go talk to his car, just so it won't act up on him in the mornings!

So yeah, while I may have left the house not wanting to say a word in the drive in to work, I sure ended the day on a high note. A very high note.

I'm hoping it'll carry over to the weekend, cos I am blastedly working 2 full days the entire time. And if the hope doesn't work out, there's always migraine pills with espressos!

So enjoy it folks. Soak it up - Mango Liquer is the flavour of the week.. it doesn't happy often.. so come on in and have a laugh with me. Lord knows there has not been enough of it lately *grin*

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