Monday, December 17, 2007

Pastry Pro

I have no idea what the devil that possessed me the last few days to think that I could bake!

I mean, I've been told that I'm quite the cook *ahem* but to think that those talents extends to baking - I was so wrong! For I've just spent the better part of this evening putting together the bits required for a walnut pie.

I'm sure it'll taste pretty okay - not too sweet, not too rich. But the look itself - now that's gonna be quite the sorry story. Cos moulding pastry - shortcrust pastry - takes real talented fingers. And that is something that I have discovered tonight I do not have.

After all the reassurances that my Exec Chef Adam gave me - the damn thing fell to pieces. So instead of a smooth lid where I could snow in my Snowman stencil - it's like a kid who had a bad case of chicken pox!

So yeah - even though it's now in the borrowed oven for the next 40 minutes, I am quite certain I am gonna chuck it into the bin when the oven goes *ding* It is too ugly to face the light of day. Any one who is daring enough to wanna have a bite, will have to do it with blindfolds on.

I'm just gonna take the easy way out of this one - Pull ranks and get the highly paid Pastry Chef to do the pastry and bake it up for me.

This girl just can't bake to save her soul but hey - at least she's got a darn clean table to show for it *grin*

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