It has been somewhat of a relaxing week - at work, at home and in my head. But yet, something's been missing, and missing for a good long while now.
I know - doesn't mean that I don't have my day jammed packed, everyone else is sitting and twiddling thumbs as well. And while I have filled my week with things to do, people to hang out with, I cannot help but truly acknowledge that the presence of a certain someone has been greatly missed.
It's becoming a Beary spot of bother. And though this week, the calendar after 5 looks to be packed yet again (Tuesday with the kids, Wednesday a visit to Ian's new house, Thursday dinner with old pals and Friday with the kids again) - I do wish my beary friend had time to squeeze me in somewhere somehow.

It's been far too long Bear, don't you think, since we had tea or foodie under a tree?
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