Did my 1st proper enquiries session and 3 hours later, with aching feet - I’m glad to report that Barbsie is back in the saddle again. It wasn’t all that stressful as the kids I met yesterday are all scholars, bound for Ireland as it is. And so, it was more of telling the kids what to go out and expect. Some of them were focused and all out there. But some were well and truly lost. And I couldn’t help thinking that this is the crème de la crème!
I knew I was in like Flint with the group cos they kept asking if I had an email address they could write me at, or if they could have my business card. AND the funniest bit would have to be how most of them looked at our company name and jumped to the conclusion that I was the unis’ rep FROM Ireland! *lol* When I said I was from JB, Johor – their jaws dropped. I dunno what was so “Irish” about me but they kept going on that I didn’t speak like a Malaysian. *lol*

A fictional tale of 4 women, each successful in their own right, living up the high lives in New York City.
I’ve never been a fan of the series – can’t really remember ever sitting thru one full episode either ~ I’m quite the loyalist when it comes to being a series-addict. There’s only so much space for one female character and it’s been Meredith Grey all this while. Yet last night I watched the whole movie version of it mesmorised.
I can more or less identify why people all over the world, for a great many years, stayed glued week after week. Afterall, Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte and Samantha live the lives that every girl aspires to live – independent, successful, beautiful and confident. Make it all happen in New York and that’s a double whammy. And the icing on that cake would be the friendship and love of good friends.
A sidetrack - New York is one big fascination of mine – the buzz, the lights, and the endless motion. I have been told by Monday who lived and worked there for a year, that it’s not all as great as it’s painted to be. But then again, Monday is the kind of guy who wants more out of life than just slaving away.
Anyways, while the hype on the movie was quite about the fashion, I thoroughly enjoyed the camaraderie the ladies had. I could only wish I had a circle of friends like they do. Though, if I really think about it – I do. We might not hang out everyday like these ladies do, but they are there.
I have been thinking a lot lately about my circle of friends and I realize that I have been too hard on them as well. I’ve not been adaptive enough or humble enough. And if I allowed them, they will surprise me in their own way.
But anyways, tonight – I’ll be having my own sex in the city (shame on you if you’re thinking of something else that involves creaking bed springs!!!) Tonight, we will form a circle at a table somewhere, to usher in a new year for one of us.
Cos that’s what friends do – they sit with you at the curbside when your world falls down, they dish out advice to you, saying the things you don’t wanna hear cos if they don’t, no one else will, and they come together to toast the day that you were born. For without it – you wouldn’t be here today to share a laugh, a tear, a cuppa teh tarik and some recipes with.
So here's an early toast - Happy birthday GarlicBoy! May this year bring you the things that you seek! *Ahem* AND lotsa sex in THIS city *grin* Have a good one Ballz!
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