Friday, August 22, 2008

Which Is IT?

pseu·do ~ adjective
  1. Not actually but having the appearance of; pretended; false or spurious; sham.
  2. Almost, approaching, or trying to be.

The English language sure is a funny thing! How could one word have 2 very opposite definitions?

I mean, pretending and trying to be may seem the same, but it's not. In my humble opinion, the former definition connotes some form of deception of already having achieved while the latter promotes a sense of working towards, and will get there eventually.

Imagine, if someone says you're in a pseudo-relationship. Are they insinuating that

  1. You're not but living in fairy-land inside your head by pretending to be? OR
  2. You're not but exuding all the characteristics of one?

Go figure!

*Sigh* No wonder everyone is confused and never on the same page!

Author's Note:
This post is not meant to be taken seriously nor as a declaration of anything of that sort.

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