Friday, November 14, 2008

A Different Brand of Crazy

Garlic asked me this: How are you gonna tell your folks you're doing this?

I am still laughing at that question simply because, Garlic, is a dude who knows me well, worked with me before, knows what my character and acceptance levels are like. And he knows my folks. Hence, for him to have asked me such a question, it is a clear indication that Barbsie is stepping away from her norm.

How so, one might enquire? Well, for starters - I only deal with qualitative products, things that brings about internal pleasure. And secondly, I do not take risks - and this is a very, very big risk!

I am sitting here wondering if I am so hungry for something serious and heavy to do, hence I'm going on this adventure. Or is there somewhere in here, a person who is ready to leave her comfort zone?

Well, whatever my reasons are... I do know one thing: It's a different brand of crazy and so far, I'm kinda enjoying the ride. At some point(s) in time, there would certainly be occassions where both must agree to disagree and I must move aside. But it's a nice check and balance going on. Hence - I'm saying it's a different brand of crazy.

Maybe for once, round hole might be able to fit into a square peg.

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