I had a bit of a tough time deciding what to do for dinner. I have a freezer full of food, but yet, the thought of coming home, fixing a plate and plunking in front of the telly did not appeal. Not today.
In that space of time, whilst driving from out from church, deciding which roads to take, I thought of all the people who, like me, were deciding what to do for dinner. To say that it comforted me - knowing I was only one soul amongst millions, it did not. To say that it sadden me - knowing that I do not have anyone to ask "What shall we do tonight?", it did not.
Not too long ago, each time the kids went away, I would fill my days with endless activities - just so I didn't have to do these things by myself. Not too long ago, each time my then-circle of friends had their own plans, I would go without food. Not too long ago, come Friday nights, I would ring up people I do not normally speak to, to ask "What's going down tonight?"
I am not thinking too much. I am thinking with a purpose - an intent to spring clean and clear out well and good, the thoughts that should be thought of. Some of them are pretty as peach, but most are nothing but rotten potatoes. I am seeking wisdom and guidance in all the places and things that are around me. I have to sort out the good from the bad, the worth remembering from the devil's advocates.
And I came across this that said: This will pass. But it is not in the main posting itself that I found some ounce of wisdom worth remembering, but in one of the comments were it says: My love, you must always remember, that everything in this World, good or bad, has an end.
I have never known reconciliation with the word "end", the finality of it all. Maybe I should - make peace with this lil word. For that which ENDS, it will have a this that will BEGIN.
Author's Note:
If you have not read any of Paulo Coelho's books, and you're floundering in life like I am, maybe you should pick up a copy. And my hope for you tonight, is that you will find words and phrases so often said to, and heard of, shining thru in a fashion that makes sense, bringing peace and depth of understanding.
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