Sunday, April 22, 2007

After the shoe dropped

When we betray each other, the path to recovery is less clear. We do whatever it takes to rebuild the trust that was lost. And then there are some wounds, some betrayals... that are so deep, so profound that there is no way to repair what was lost. And when that happens, there's nothing left to do but wait.

I'm sitting here.. and I'm waiting. Waiting for what, I don't really have a clue.

I have betrayed the trust of openness and acceptance that was placed in me. I have betrayed the bond and silent promise of "I will always be there". And while I have, in a great many words, explained why I felt that the betrayal was necessary, but on hindsight a lil pre-mature... the act has been committed.

So now, there's nothing I can do but to sit and wait.

I fought not to go into the "What if it can never be repaired" mode. It's energy sapping. It's a utter waste of time. Like it has been said, there's nothing left to do but..

WAIT. and it hurts.

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