Thursday, April 19, 2007


When fate comes into play, choice sometimes goes out the window.

I had blogged once about Fate. And how it had a dark and twisty side.

Maybe Romeo and Juliet were fated to be together, but just for a while, and then their time passed.

A few months on, and I am supposing that I could have been wrong in thinking that way. It has got nothing to do with Fate.

If they could have known that beforehand, maybe it all would have been okay.

It's got everything to do with us and our own silliness.

We sit. We ponder about the "What If's" and then we come to a conclusion or choice.

And that poor "What If", which was originally destined to remain an obscure scenario, is pushed into reality. Not only does it gets materialised, we would go as far as setting it in stone. It goes from "What if" to "This is how it has to be."

Where in all this was Fate? Nowhere! But when we cannot point the finger at ourselves, we say that Fate was everywhere in between.

It's about putting down the poison and the dagger and making your own happy ending... most of the time.

So there you have it folks. There's no such thing as Fate. There's just you, yourself and I.

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