Sunday, April 29, 2007


I've been sleeping on a wee lil mattress in my living room. Yes, I do have a right and proper bed. But my kids' fan broke down some time back and well, have not gotten round to replacing it.

Sleeping in the hall has its advantages. Among them includes fresh air with the balcony door open. Being able to look at the moon. And of course, falling asleep with the tv on.

Yes - that's where them panda eyes have been coming from.

A few nights ago, I stayed up to watch Independence Day. Amidst yawns and such on the drive home, got into a slight dispute over why I wasted good sleep time on it with Sen. He thinks it be a dumb-dumb movie cos we could upload a virus to alien systems. And from there, he's concluded that Bill Gates is an alien.

Here's the thing ~ we ended up arguing about who had the blogging rights to that point of view. Imagine - times have changed so much that you could now have blogging rights dispute! I wonder if in a few years time, there would be quick contracts to rights to blog on a subject matter.

Well, to cut long story short... this one is about blogging rights. Wanna read about Alien Bill? Check it out at Brainspillage.

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