Friday, April 27, 2007

Talk these days

Sometime back, Puppy blogged about Lafu and how Manglish has become the popular speak these days. Here's my stand - I. Hate. It. Period.

Unless you went to a school where the education was so poor, i.e. teachers who could not speak proper language themselves, there is no excuse for one not to use the proper language when speaking or writing.

Which brings me to my next pet peeve~ internet lingo type spelling.

Some words are cute and it's functional to have them abbreviated. But come on.. do you seriously think you're making an impression when you say, "Can we be fren?" Is it that difficult to type in 3 additional lil alphabets?! It only says that you do not think i'm worth the effort to spell correctly.

Every time I rant about this, my friends end up telling me It's the IN thing. Well boys - hate to burst your bubble.. but poor language is never the in-thing. And if you truly want to stand out in this day and age of too many girls for too few guys ~ do the right thing and speak / write well.

Trust me. Nothing makes more of an impression than a chap who can do the right talk.

And don't come tell me that this post is Foh-yoh power-rant. I'll smack you right and proper if you do!

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