Monday, June 2, 2008

Fish Sticks & Frog Legs!!

Honestly, I think people set out to ruin my day, week AND LIFE! WHAT-THE-FUCK?!

I have just received some very not happy news - NOT HAPPY AT ALL! The one person that I do not ever wish to see, hear off or even be within a hundred metres radius has just very nicely informed me that he has moved into my condo complex.

I'll freaking say it again - WHAT-THE-FUCK?!

Of all the thousands of establishments, he had to bloody go choose mine! This is well and truly shoving his face up the wrong alleyway.

I'll never feel safe going to the shop or my car ever again. I'll have to make sure I do not run out of food or cigarettes. I have to find another place to take my kids swimming.

My life here is ruined! RUINED! All because some idiot didn't have more sense to go "Nah - I shouldn't live in the same place as her." FUCKING HELL!

This is precisely why I choose to rent than buy. At least if it gets bad, I can terminate my lease and move.

I'm gonna have to say it again - WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!


Anonymous said...

huh? who is it? i wouldn't know him, would I?

Unknown said...

I wish you did! Then maybe you can help me throw him in the nearest cess pool!