I just had to write this down right now cos no other moment would fit it, quite properly. And it's the realisation as to why WhiteBoy says when he reaches 33, he wants to grow old like me. Cos you know you can die happy when:
1) You look back upon your job and feel an immense sense of achievement in a very short period of time.
Everyone has said that education is a big change from F&B. But I correct their thinking that F&B is my background, when Education is. This present job that I am leaving, was my fresh experience. But for everyone to think otherwise - I have done my job well.
2) You can sit with your last ex-boyfriend and the woman he is going to marry, on the eve of his birthday, and with her, drink a toast to his turning a year older.
Pups and I will always have a quirky relationship that quite possibly, no one other than Nat can understand and appreciate. And tonight, I'm glad I am not out having drinks with some dude, but instead, exchanging opinions about the Euro Cup and how the kids are faring with Pups and Nat.
3) Your boss is gonna host a party at a seafood restaurant, inviting every person in the deparment to it.
Now, even at Fairview, where I worked for 4 years, we only had butter cake and tea. So this - this is a testament of where I stand in the entire scheme of things. And their appreciation over all the sweat, tears and love I have put into growing their business.
4) You have someone who chooses your friendship over everything else.
And this is my realisation about the Bear. No need to say anything more about that. That's a whole different blogsite which is now silent cos Barbsie and the Bear will go down in history as the bestest buddies ever.
And last but not least...
5) You have lil wonders, in both the physical and metaphoric sense of the word.
My angels, who cried when they hear I've lost my voice cos they didn't know how to get it back. And Monday, who is everything but what everyone thinks he ought to be.
For that, and many more, I cannot for the life of me, fathom why once, many moons ago, when I sat down to write about the same, I could only list things I hate.
I am loved. And at the end of the day, that's all that matters.
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