Thursday, September 24, 2009

Count Your Blessings

We should always make a list of our blessings so that it reminds us that at the end of the day - there's always a silver lining to every cloud. So here goes, mine for the days:

1) Having a really good conversation with my higher authority at 5 where He 'smacked' me on the head and literally said - 'Quit whining, I hear ya already!'

2) Having my bff reassure me (inadvertently) that she is my bff for a reason ~ yes, Mandy figured it all out what is this 'hell' I'm in right now. It's quite an incredible feeling, to know that there is someone out there, close to you, who can read you like an open book, even though you've completely shut down.

3) Doing a solid day of work and getting majority of the bits completed even though deadline is a week away. This is a huge improvement considering I've been like Facebooking 8 hours straight for the last 2 weeks or so.

4) Managing to complete a 2-mile run and doing the distant of another 1 mile on the stepper machine ~ big pat on back, especially today I find out that a few years ago, some of my friends actually was shocked I had 'let myself go' physically and did not say a word to me *hrumph* Well, with the grand plan to go back to 5 hours of yoga a week, this is a good head start. Target goal - trousers have got to start falling off again (which means the 3rd trip to the alteration tailor) and the weighing scale to read 55 kg.

5) Getting that notification that I am one of three winners for this blog contest organised weekly by a certain bookshop. This one is utterly blowing me away cos it was written a long time ago and written for the Shooter. To think that the Shooter's words came be deemed as "a lovely piece" ~ *ah* heaven!

As Paulo Coelho wrote on his blog: Each and every morning brings a hidden blessing, a blessing that is only good for that particular day, for it cannot be kept or re-used. If we don't take advantage of this miracle today, it will be lost.

So yes, while there is still this nagging thought at the back of my mind that goes "why isn't the phone beeping?" or "why is there no reply?", it is not driving me crazy-up-the-wall or to my freezer where a full bottle of vodka lie sleeping.

I'm a work-in-progress but for once I am conscious of it and I am not pushing that self-destruct button.

With that, though we're only entitled to one blessing each morning, I had 5 miracles that followed.

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