Monday, September 28, 2009

Miles We Walk

It’s not every day that you witness the depth of a friend’s love for you.

I remember once, some time back, at the very beginnings of a relationship, I kinda made him sit down and watch one – just one episode of the show. I think what I told him then was that if he wanted to understand me, and how my mind works, he should at least watch one episode. He didn’t last 15 minutes. [Yes we're talking about you Bear :o)]

The supposed way of that wind blowing didn’t work out, but hell, he did spend quite a number of nights and mornings sitting on balconies and porches, wondering “Why?!” was I doing the things I was doing. And while we’re still good friends, I think he’s taken the easy way out of “You should know yourself better and what would work for you.

Recalling that instant, today I was blown away when bff Mandy told me she took all her Grey’s dvd and watched it over again cos I was always referring to the show and making comparisons between the goggle life and the real life.

But from that moment on, not that I ever doubted it, I knew that no matter what, Mandy will always have my back, as I would always have hers.

It is rare to be able to pinpoint a moment when something changes ~ it’s not as easy as telling which way the wind is blowing where there are physical visual evidence to back your deduction.

And so I’ll say it again - It’s not every day that you witness the depth of a friend’s love for you.

Thank you *hugz*

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