- Physically or mentally exhausted by hard work, exertion, strain, etc.; fatigued; tired: weary eyes; a weary brain.
- Characterized by or causing fatigue: a weary journey.
- Impatient or dissatisfied with something (often fol. by of): weary of excuses.
- Characterized by or causing impatience or dissatisfaction; tedious; irksome: a weary wait.
It was another house hunting weekend. And I am tired. Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
Finally, after weeks of going thru ad after ad, I found a unit in the area I was looking at, only to be severely disappointed. And this was HOW disappointed I was - I couldn't wait to return to my sandiwara-type pigeon hole and curl up in bed! It was small, run down and well, let's just say it was so bad, nothing would convince me to live there.
I also found the apartment of my dreams - in the vicinity of the area I would like to live in, quiet, set on a hill, brand new (yes - brand new in a very old area!), huge (over 1300 square feet!) and I'd have my garden, while living in a box. Unfortunately, good, new and nice things don't come in 3-figure rental rates. And we don't believe in paying a ringgit over RM 999.00 in rent, do we now?
That's a total of 4 places I have been to seen in a span of weeks. For the life of me, in my years of living away from mum and dad's, I cannot recall another time when I so diligently sourced for a place to rest my bones and call home.
I am seriously on the verge of giving up, caving in and buying a Little Tikes playhouse, park it in the Bear's 2nd carpark lot and call it home.

It wouldn't be all that bad and I'd save some RM 500 from paying rent. Plus, I'd have a fully equipped kitchen, living room, balcony (with plants!!) and AV room with Plasma TV at my disposal. Only thing would be - where would I park my WiNK Mobile and what do I do when it rains and I need to pee??? And do you think the neighbouring cars would mind very much if I had the occassional visitor over?
What do you think? Should I get one in country colours or go with the Barbie Doll pink?
Author's Note:
Seriously now, we all know this Lil Tikes house thingy ain't gonna work.. so be a doll and help me keep a lookout for a nice pigeon hole that is:
- Not too far away from the city (not more than 10 km and RM 2 in toll??)
- On the same side of the Valley as Subang, and
- On or under RM 1K in rent.
I promise I'd be eternally grateful, you'll be on the invite list to the 1st meal cooked in new hole!
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