Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Shame and My Lil Blue Card

According to Webster's New Millennium™ Dictionary of English ~ A blog is an online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page.

I read with angst that a blogger has been detained for a period of 2 years, without trial under the country’s Internal Security Act. This “celebrity” has been on our front pages for jotting down his un-censored thoughts on the state of our country, and the people running it.

Al wrote an interesting piece on him recently and I agree with Al fully on it – this individual is dangerous and somewhat a loose canon. But THAT does not give anybody the right to lock him away without trial for a specific time period, just because he is giving the people what they want – minus the sex of course.

I am infuriated by this out-right violation of the Freedom of Speech laws by the powers-that-be. It is utter snobbery of them to think their signature is mightier than the pen. With this violation, they are deeming themselves to be greater than laws written and accepted by the rest of the world. They are deeming themselves to be God by denying a person of his human right to “hold opinions without interference.”

Have they not read Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights? Have they not spoken with their European counterparts on Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights? Have they not watched enough American movies citing The First Amendment?

I feel as though I belong to a nation of ID10Ts. The Poeple-in-Power has just made me feel like I have no brain with this "threat" into my personal space by trying to make an example of another.

IF their intent was one of keeping country-and-citizen harmony, they have failed horrendously (for lack of a better word!!). Can you not hear the strains of the song from Les Miserables: Do you hear the people sing? Singing a song of angry men? It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again! I may not work on a cotton farm, and I may not have chains around my ankles. But treat me the way you are, I might as well be a slave in old Missisippi!

IF their intent was one of continuing their stay in power, they have just cast the vote against their ownselves. Have an election today and you'll be going out in worse graces than those of Thaksin Shinawatra. (He's got a football club in a nice European country - what have you got?)

their intent was one of sending a message of warning to the Rakyat to behave like the schoolkids or risk being sent to the Principal’s Office, they have just created their own Columbine.

Our country has been generous to ensure that each of us receives a stipulated amount of learning. For Christ's sake, do not undermine the education system you have given your people by making them look as if they are incapable of forming their own opinions and knowing where the balance between Lies and Half-truths.

This whole issue of inciting the revolution via a news blog in my opinion is nothing but a whirlwind wordplay romance, hotter than Gone with the Wind. The notoriety of the said site of sedition precedes one reading it ~ it is to be read in place of having a teh-tarik conversation with the dude. As with any mamak outings so entrenched in our culture, one should know not to take each and every word exchanged as the Gospel truth. It is BUT the hot, fiery opinion of a very passionate individual. And just because I read it, doesn't mean I would act on it.

My sympathy today goes out to the family of RPK and the challenges they face ahead. Two years - that's a lot of kilometres for ferrying toothbrushes, toothpaste and soap!

But more importantly, it lies with the Them-who-think-they-be-God for their stupidity is now shining like a full-moon against the dark night. If they thought they could get away with another utter-no-brainer act like this and still be liked ~ they thought wrong. One fine day soon, they are gonna feel like the guy who held his kid down asking "Who's ya Dah-dy?" and getting the answer "Mummy says it's Uncle Bob" in reply.

It is truly a bleak day, despite the upbeat start. God help our country and her people who carry its lil blue MyKad. May it melt in our wallets the instant it sees light. For it is no longer a piece of card that bears any honour. I'd much rather carry a Zimbawean Dollar.

For once in my life, I hang my head in shame by having to call myself a citizen of Malaysia.

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