- Cut down smoking - Let's go from a pack of 20s a day to just 14s a day.
- Cut down drinking - We're gonna stretch the 2 bottles of CC, 1 bottle of Bacardi and 1 bottle of vodka till at least my summer trip (then we'll top it up again from the duty free and of course, mint Baileys *wink*)
- Increase my stamina so that I can at least do 5 km of walking without wanting to die - this HAS TO BE DONE cos the only way I am going to afford seeing all 3 cities in summer is by doing the i-walking tours!
- Hit the gym every Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays enroute to mum's - just tried killing myself on a 60 minutes work-out but it sure as hell feels good, albeit kinda stinky. Anyways, it's way better than watching my nails grow *grin*
- Figure out what it is I stand for - according to the Bear, it's like a business mission plan. So I really have no excuses to be going thru this route over and over and over again like a damn bloody broken record.
- Implement all the projects I have on hand - this would include Billie (we must see Billie out there in print by March do or die! No more procrastination or I'll whip your arse!), Spheriental (gotta win that fight so it doesn't end up being a cross between a zip and a nipple!) and of course the yet to be name Irish continuation company.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
"No one else can protect you from yourself right now except for your kids and you folks."
So yes, I'm going home.
And that is likely the first and lightest smack on the wrist I am going to get from the Bear. I do not want to think what Mandy is going to dish out at me.
I took a moment from cleaning up the mess and sat on the floor in the middle of the room. And I took a conscious step back and look at life from a removed perspective. And I found - today really isn't any different from yesterday or the day before. As for tomorrow, it's a new page that's yet to be written so why should I go muddle it by placing a plan as to how it should turn out.
If a total stranger can in a span of 30 minutes see the diamond shining in me, maybe I should take more effort to see that everyday, every minute in myself.
To What Lengths?
The only thing that the last few hours has taught me is this:
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
A Great MTV
I'm still doing the hysterical manical laughing once every few minutes. I mean, who in their right mind would be able to say something like this has the makings of a great MTV at a time like this?!
I'm trying to recall my motivations for blasting a hole right thru my near perfect make believe life. And I guess, the only thing I can recall is looking myself in the mirror and going "Life cannot go by me like this."
So That's Why
I've always wondered that. And tonight I found out the answer that the script-writers, the actors and the director sought to depict.
It's cos the words said were so out of this world, there is really no other reaction you can give other than to give in to that insanity of the moment.
My moment of utter insanity? When I realised how thoroughly wonderful an impersonata I have been. I fooled even the one person I thought who truly knew me in this world.
Really! Seriously! You have to be ME right now to know how insane it is to wanna laugh and cry as if someone is wrenching your heart out at the same time.
Lions and Lambs
I am thinking, maybe I should make a list ~ but then again, it would only go the same way as all other lists have gone - stashed in some folder somewhere, hidden but not forgotten.
And then I was thinking, maybe I could write a note instead, and find a suitable reason to send it off.
Which ultimately led me to thinking: WTF?! Why the hell do I need to do all these things when I should just do what I want to do, say what I want to say, without fear of the outcome!
Or maybe, just maybe, he's just a sick masochistic lion and I'm just the stupid lamb.
Monday, January 26, 2009
I have to say: I have not seen Brad Pitt in a movie in a very long time. And I'm glad that this one did not disappoint. A boy who was born old, and the world thru his eyes. It is one of those things where we can never imagine happening to us, or anyone we know. Yet, if we ponder on the stories within the movie ~ hey, LIFE happens to everyone whether you're born old or the right size and age.
A thought-provoking movie, I would not recommend it for those who watch movies with their minds turned off. It would be great for you who do, as therapy for insomnia. But if you're like me - where movies make you think in a different dimension, or remind you of your perspectives ~ this is one not to be missed.
I have about another 8 or so to go, but I think I'll give it a rest and stop at that. While some of the moofies I have watched have been nothing but pure entertainment. I reckon I should let a couple of them sit for a bit.
Afterall, one popcorn too many does indeed spoil your dinner.
And yes, it was indeed a coincidence - a great one - that more than one movie's character had the same name that stars with a "B" and ends with an "N". TRUST ME - it was really a coincidence!
Giving While Living
- Bought a homeless person a hot meal this morning
- Bought a new t-shirt for a child from a poor family
- Paid for a taxi-cab fare for the lady at the bus-stop, trailing 4 kids
Sunday, January 25, 2009
How Did She Get In There?
Back then, which was about 7 years ago, it was a Big Hairy Audacious Goal.
Today - it's just simply Technology.
And I'm glad we thought of that BHAG .. cos it allowed me to bring some laughs to my grandma today.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
It's Not An Art!
“Every company should have a philanthropic segment in their annual budget,” says the opening lines of an article in our daily papers.
While I applaud the writer for taking this line of thought, I cannot help but feel disgusted that corporate organizations should be subjected to “moral persuasions” by the Government, before they see the need to give.
Call me idealistic, but that is not how the way the world should be. People should not need to be persuaded to look after their own. It should be something that comes from the heart. Whatever little we have, we share – without having to be asked. For if we, who can think, do not look after our own kind, then who can we then rely on?
I know I tend to view the world thru rose-coloured glasses. But I also know that a vast majority of people go thru life, striving for things which at the end of the day, do not matter in the bigger scheme of things.
It should be everyone’s responsibility and vision to make the world a better place for EVERYONE ELSE, through the channels and means available to them.
It should be everyone’s mission in life to make a difference in someone else’s life – be it monetary or experiential, big or small, using the skills and talents that they have been blessed with.
Call me a simpleton. Call me idealistic.Call me whatever you want and I’d be fine with it. For I didn’t need no newspaper article to remind me that even though I am one, and I have nothing, I have always known that I need to look out for my own kind, even though I do not know them.
Author’s Note:
The vision and mission statements included in this piece are taken from the Billie business plan, which hopefully would come to life in the very near future.
Let Me Go?
Home ~ noun
- A house, apartment, or other shelter that is the usual residence of a person, family, or household.
- The place in which one's domestic affections are centered.
- The dwelling place or retreat of an animal.
- The place or region where something is native or most common.
- Any place of residence or refuge.
- A principal base of operations or activities
I am having a deep sense of melancholy as I sit in my study room, looking out on one of the city’s major highways, noting the doubling amount of traffic, heading north and south. I observe my neighbours, pulling trolley bags, baskets of goodies, dressed casually as they pile into their cars and head off.
It’s the rush to get “home” for most people, even the non-Chinese as we are a day shy of a new lunar calendar.
For the Chinese, heading home during this season is one of the most important acts as an adult person. It is a demonstration of the values one was brought up with, and still holds dear despite having grown their own wings. Our culture even extends it to the married ones, as the 3rd day of the festivities is when husbands bring their wives back to visit their own families.
Tomorrow would see most homes bustling with a hive of activity as mise en place for the evening meal is kicked off. In our home, it would mean that the veges are washed, chopped, diced, sliced. The beef would go into a large pot with onions, potatoes, carrots, tomatoes and an old porcelain spoon, and the pot sitting over a charcoal fire till early evening. The chicken would be braised, steamed, dropped into curries.
Come late afternoon, the 2nd dining table would come out. Spare cutleries would be washed, dried and set. Plates of all designs would be placed next to two large rice-cookers. Plastic chairs would be wiped down, counted and parked around the table.
By 6 pm, everyone would have taken their turn in the shower, dressed and ready to open the gates as the others who lived away pulled their cars into the grounds and familiar faces seen only once a year appear behind the gates.
Dinner is not a long affair. A whole day’s prep, done in less than 60 minutes. But in that 60 minutes, the banter, the laughter, the reminiscing would last us the whole year thru. And as one generation grows older, we cannot help but remark how blessed our family is to have 4 generations under 1 roof.
I am having a deep sense of melancholy as I sit in my study room, remembering how it always has been, and how it would be tomorrow night. Except that I would not be there, but here alone, all by myself.
I am having a deep sense of melancholy as I cannot go home.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Step Up On It FCS!
My colleague and I have just been ranted at by our boss, for giving the customer too much information. AS IF there is such a thing as too much information!
True that it is a fine line we thread - between telling the customer enough, and telling the customer too much. But in my experiences of dealing with parents and their kids' education - no amount of information is too much! So what if it appears that we're spoon-feeding the folks? They have a right to it! They afterall help us meet our targets, and gives us the bonus money!
If there is anything that I have learnt in the last week, with my Irish colleagues coming round, it would have to be this:
I may need to toe the line, earn my approval with my boss. But I do not need to be submissive and play the role of the silent mouse. On the contrary, I need to occassionally bare my fangs so that I make my mark with the them who matters after. And if right now, getting the numbers earn would help me earn my colours - then by gosh I'll step up on it, for Christ's sake!
Times are changing. I should be glad that I can at least create the urgency for change to match it!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
New Twist
- He's talking to me about something I said 2 weeks before, when he can't even remember which time zone he was in 4 days ago
- He actually go back and think about the things I say
Maybe the circle I move in, we do not normally re-visit themes and issues. It's either water-under-the-whatever or written off as another one of the other's quirks. Whether it upset the other person or me, it's normally not known either. In the case of me being the one being upset, people normally read about it here! To actually have someone ask me "Did I upset you?" IS an abnormality.
Small Mercies
grate⋅ful ~ adjective
- Warmly or deeply appreciative of kindness or benefits received; thankful.
- Expressing or actuated by gratitude.
- Pleasing to the mind or senses; agreeable or welcome; refreshing.
I got an instant message as I got into the office this morning and it went like this: Bonus was crap.
Having spent the last few days with well-off gentlemen in positions of power and wealth from a country that is officially in recession: it has only serve to drive home how dire economic circumstances are in the world today.
Bearing this in mind, I could not resist the urge to respond to my instant message: Be grateful you even have a job!
I wrote way back in September (yes, it does seem like a life-time away!) that I could feel the anguish of the personnel of Lehman who went to work, only to be told, they no longer have an employer.
Things have come a long way since then, cos it wasn’t just contained within the big names of Lehman, Citicorp, Barclays, Bentley, etc. There are many mom-and-pop shops that do not make it to the news. In a morbid way, you could say they went the way of “Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust” as silently as the night.
And so, while I should strive to be more diplomatic in this New Year (yes – someone nailed a resolution to my head and made me sign it off), I simply cannot suffer the fools who whine and bitch about the food on their plate.
Please – grow up. Be grateful you at least have a plate still!
Monday, January 19, 2009
Céad Mìle Fàilte
My Irish ‘colleagues’ are in town for the week. I have been told that they are my colleagues and not bosses as we are all working towards a common goal.
Day 2 has just ended, with a formal dinner at the Ambassador’s residence and I think I’m finally getting my eye back on the ball.
As one of them said, “I wasn’t around for your interview, but they all went home with glowing comments about you. And I think I agree with them, now having gotten to know you.”
There are undoubtedly tough times ahead. And new initiatives have to be explored. I need my ‘adventure’ spirit back. And these are heavy responsibilities that have now arrived at my table.
Charles Schwab
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Can you get that?
I cannot cave. Not right now. Not when my career depends on it and decisions need to be made. I cannot cave and not cope with this whole lot of missing you.
You would not want that. You would not want to hear about it.
But I need you. I need you so badly even I cannot believe it. And it’s scaring the hell out of me – this realization of how much I have come to depend on you to keep my sanity abouts me. How not being able to have you around when I want you to be makes me go somewhat looney and desperate.
You make sense. You make things make sense.
And I need you to tell me that I can do this – take on this project, on top of everything else and be alright. That I won’t go back to being that person I was before.
I need you to tell me that I can do this – that I have all the skills, experience and talents to do this. And not just do it, but pull it out in the style that I always do.
But most of all, I need you to tell me that it’s alright to have to wanna need you.
Can you hear that?
Can you feel that?
I really don’t wanna put this on your overflowing plates as it is. But I really need this. I really need you to step up and be that person.
I don't ask for much... just to hear you say the same would get me by right now.
Can you get that?
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Talking to the Hand
I have tried cooking. I have tried snapping at people in checkout lines who take one plastic bag too many. I have tried taking on more projects than I can manage right now.
I need to rant and I need to rant it to his face! And for once, I really shouldn't care that his plate(s) are over-flowing and he's already up to his neck trying to clear things off it.
We all know that's not what I have / would / going to do. Which is why I am here - talking to the loaded hand (excuse the pun boys!)
I’ll go thru this curve and right now it’s pitting. And I hate the pits. The worse times are when it curves downwards and I sit in the pit, waiting for the curve to pitch upwards again. What's a few measly days when the only way is up right?
What a conundrum it is when you’ve painted a picture of this ultra-sensible person who knows which priority to stick to!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Growing Legs
“There’s only so much I can do cos my hands are tied. I want the changes to happen but I can’t do it if my boss does not support me. And so lately, I’m beginning to wonder, what the hell am I still here for?!”
I recently read that with this economic downturn, we’ll see a burst of entrepreneurs as more and more people decide to take matters into their own hands.
Sure, we all have that aspiration to be our own bosses. But yet how many of us know what it means to be one?! Especially if one starts out small and then grow over time into something bigger than we ever imagined?!
I have only one fear when it comes to seeing beyond October 2010, and that is one day the people who work for me and my company would turn away and say – I have been utterly wasting my time, talents and skills with you!
When you’re a one-man show, you’ve gotta one-leg-kick-it. But when you can afford to be an octopus – you’ve gotta let go of the legs and be just the head. If not, you’ll find yourself caught in a mire of entanglements which will slowly cut off your oxygen supply and eventually kill you.
If you can't get that in your thick head, then either stay in employment or never let your business grow beyond that of a mum-and-pop store.
Look Up and Ahead
“Madam paid you a compliment today. She said you had your eye on the ball.”
I am now in month 7 of my job and lately, the level of activity had up a notch. Since Monday, things have been moving at a slightly faster speed. Yet as we wind down Friday, I feel out of breath already.
A lot of the stress that I have undergone this week – I would have taken it in my stride a year ago.
As I drove home from a social function earlier, I was thinking back on the many nights when I clocked out at 9, having started at 8. And tomorrow would be the same story once again. Yet, I could do it.
Where did my stamina go?
I once had a conversation with the LegalBeagle and I said that I must be growing lazy. But seeing how lazy is not really something you cultivate, I’d have to say I lost my sight on the ball. Which was why I felt as if I was floundering this week, especially when I know how to do these tasks with my eyes closed.
“I am not going to push you cos 1. You don’t work for me, and 2. You’re the sort of person who cannot be pushed by anyone but yourself.”
In reflection, that statement is so true. I have not been pushing myself, and doing it again this week is akin to a ball player getting back into the game after a hiatus.
THIS cannot happen again. No matter what the level of activity is, I must always keep my eye on the ball.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Walking One Hundred Thousand Miles
“It’s shameful, to be 35 and not be able to take care of yourself.”
It’s tough to look yourself in the mirror when you know you’re physically falling apart due to self-neglect. Especially when you’ve always been the sort to not depend on other people to look out for you. And then there’s the whole internal struggle between letting someone else step in to do the needful, and the toughing it out bit.
I know all this because I am one of those persons. It took me forever to learn how to alert those closest to me when I’m down, unable to crawl out of bed. Gone are the days when I hauled myself to the nearest hospital, lie there bed-ridden for days, acting all chirpy and cheery when I spoke to my folks as if I was taking a stroll in the park.
“There is nothing wrong with having to let someone else take care of you. It doesn’t mean you’re any less independent, and it doesn’t mean that you’re pitiful either.”
So while I may be worn out thin yesterday, I can at least find comfort in the fact that someone had a proper meal this week because I went the extra mile. I may have to spend the next hour cleaning my kitchen from the grease that’s stuck to every available surface, but heck – it’s all worth it, so long as my tall Utopian refugee stops shrinking any further and losses that glassy-eyed look.
Yes, I’d walk one hundred thousand miles for this Utopian cos there’s nothing more beautiful a sight than that of seeing someone’s face progressively brighten up as the hours go by.
Philosophies of Life
- There would be no betrayal
- There would be no hurt
- There would be no responsibility for the person entrusted with to bear
And while we're on that subject - we might as well throw in the latest from Charlie which reads: What is it going to take for me to see you again? Name it!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
People Need People
It used to be that each time my kids went off to Johor, you would not find me at home, no matter what the weather is outside.
The school holidays are coming to an end tomorrow and this was the longest they were away – the whole 6 weeks. And not once did I step out far too late into the night. Not once did I come home, wobbling my way thru the corridors.
To many of my friends, I’ve become a hermit crab of sorts, preferring to vegetate on my couch or curled up with a book and my fave music playing on my stereo. As one person said casually: Don’t bother asking Barbs. She’ll never say “Yes” to an outing.
As much as that may seem to be true to the naked eye, people need people: I still enjoy the company people – I’ve just become extremely selectively about who I spend my time with, that’s all.
Quality over quantity. Give me that and I wouldn't give a blessed damn if there's a blizzard outside ~ We'll throw snowballs and have a great laugh falling down and getting wet!